15 min read

5. Databases and SQL


We started with an overview of data management, including the data lifecycle, metadata, and databases, using the TERRA REF to illustrate applications.

Spreadsheets and Tables

A database is a generic term for data. Often these are divided into ‘relational’ and ‘non-relational’… We will get to these later. First, lets start with Spreadsheets, which are a simple, and very common format for data.

In fact, so far we have been working with tables.

Example Spreadsheets

Later we will see how these data were re-organized in a relational database. These examples illustrate some common issues with organizing data in spreadsheets.

A collection of Miscanthus Yield data as a spreadsheet.

These data were found in published articles and organized in a spreadsheet.

What about this spreadsheet would make it difficult for a machine to interpret?

Sorghum Data from Arizona

These data were collected in Arizona, and will be used as ‘ground truth’ to calibrate and validate sensor-based data collections.

Let’s review the pages

  • README is good. These researchers provide necessary information in a clearly identified worksheet.
  • What additional information about the experiment are included?
  • Where is the ‘primary’ data that a scientist might wish to analyze?
  • What information is redundant?
  • Is any useful information missing?

Download the table “PlantHeights_AllPlots” as CSV

Data Cleaning

  • In this lesson, we will use Open Refine to find errors, sort, and clean our dataset.
  • Note that some of the errors we find were introduced explicitly for teaching.
  • Open the OpenRefine container in the NDSLabs workbench.

About Open Refine

This tutorial is based on the Data Carpentry Open Refine for Ecology lesson, modified to use our datasets.

You can learn more about and download Open Refine at openrefine.org.

Importing Data into Open Refine

Once OpenRefine is launched in your browser, the left margin has options to Create Project, Open Project, or Import Project. Here we will create a new project:

  • Click Create Project; Get data from this computer should be selected
  • what other ways can you get data into OpenRefine?
  • Click Choose Files and select the file:

    DRAFT_Sorghum2_PlantHeights_AugustPlanting-training-sample - PlantHeights_AllPlots.csv

  • Click Open –> Next
  • OpenRefine gives you a preview - a chance to show you it understood the file.
  • did the file show up sensibly?
  • In the upper right corner create a meaningful project name and then click Create Project.


OpenRefine supports faceted browsing. This allows you to see the big picture of your data and then filter down to a subset of rows. Once you have a target set of rows, you can apply changes in bulk.

Let’s work with one of the columns containing plant height measurements:

  • next to one of the numeric columns “Plant_ht_Aug24” click the arrow
  • facet –> Numeric facet.
    • what went wrong?
  • click edit cells –> common transforms –> numeric
  • now try to click facet –> numeric again
    • what do you see this time?
    • How is a numeric facet different than a text facet?
  • click “Plant_ht_Sep15”
    • how many rows are there with non-numeric data?
    • what to do here?

Let’s look at the Genotype field:

  • select the arrow next to the column named “Genotype”
  • select Facet –> Text Facet
  • sort by count
  • what do you notice?
  • What is the level of replication in this study?
  • Which genotypes are not like the others?
  • why are there so many genotypes named “Great Scott” and “border”?
  • Let’s clean up all whitespace problems
  • trim leading and trailing whitespace
  • trim consecutive white space
  • now how many groups do we have?
  • Edit “border” –> “Border”

TERRA REF Sites and Variables

Your turn:

Lets review a few datasets from the TERRA REF trait database. These are provided in the .json format by default:

  1. Look at the sites table. Where are the sites? Are there redundant names?
  1. See if you can find any redundant variables
  1. Different formats

Miscanthus Yields

Lets look at the Miscanthus Yield dataset from earlier. This version of the data have been imported from the data we looked at in the spreadsheet above.

  • Open –> Create Project –> From URL
  • when you review the data, select the lowest level of hierarchy so column names aren’t long concatenations of the entire tree.
  1. See if you can find any redundant variables:
Open Refine
  • Let’s look at the Miscanthus Yield dataset again
  • Open –> Create Project –> From URL
  • Enter https://www.betydb.org/search.csv?search=Ayield
  • What is the matter here? Let’s clean up the imported dataset:
  • columns are csv
  • discard first 8 lines, parse next 1 line as column headers
  • parse cells to numbers, dates, etc
  • Create Project

Downloading Data from a Web Interface

Go to betydb.org and enter “Miscanthus Yield” into the search box and click the search glass icon.

Let’s review the information in this table:

  • Site with city
  • Date + time + timezone
  • Species + common name
  • Cultivar
  • Trait
  • Mean (with units)
  • Method
  • Entity

Now click the “Download Results” button. This will download a .csv file.

How does this approach compare to accessing data using a URL?

How are the data in this database different from the data in the spreadsheets above?

Now click the Download Results button. This will download a .csv file. A .csv file is a table where each column is defined by a comma, e.g. a 3x3 matrix would be formatted thus:

row 1 col 1, row 1 col 2, row 1 col 3
row 2 col 1, row 2 col 2, row 2 col 3
row 3 col 1, row 3 col 2, row 3 col 3

a brief note about csv files

By default, many computers will open the csv file directly into a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc. But because it is a text file, you can also open it in a text editor like Notepad, nano, or emacs.

It can also be easily read by any software or parsed at the command line using tools like cut and sed. Unlike xml and json, it is more intuitive for a human to read.

Tidy data

Tidy data means that:

  • Each variable forms a column.
  • Each observation forms a row.
  • Each type of observational unit forms a table.

From tidyr vignette

YOUR TURN Is the Miscanthus dataset tidy? What would we need to do to make it tidy?

where are there redundancies?

  • Site + city + lat + lon
  • Date + time + timezone
  • genus + scientificname + common name
  • Cultivar
  • Trait + units & description
  • Mean
  • Method
  • Entity

Relational Databases and SQL

Some of the following is based on the Data Carpentry SQL Introduction for Ecology lesson.

The relational model for managing databases consists of representing the data in terms of tuples of relations. Many modern databases use some version of this. Structured Query Language or SQL is a language implementation based on the relational model, although there are some differences.

Data Normalization

“Codd’s Normal Forms” from Codd 1970:

process of organizing the columns (attributes) and tables (relations) of a relational database to reduce data redundancy and improve data integrity. Wikipedia - Database normalization

To motivate the use of a relational databases, let’s start by looking at a table. We want to see if there is redundant information that violates the best practice of having a single canonical representation for each piece of information.

Which of these fields has redundant data?

  • SQL allows us to select and group subsets of data, do math and other calculations, and combine data.
  • A relational database is made up of tables which are related to each other by shared keys.
  • primary keys
  • foreign keys
  • natural keys
  • Different database management systems (DBMS) use slightly different vocabulary, but they are all based on the same ideas.

How would you begin to normalize this data set?

Lets look at the BETYdb relational database

Database Management Systems

Common software: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Access

These are the programs that store data and process queries.

Database Connections

There are many ways to connect to a relational database.

Two connection types: 1. via an API by constructing a URL as we did above (betydb.org/search?search=Miscanthus+Yield) 2. directly to the database server

For both of these approaches, there are ‘direct connections’ and ‘clients’. A ‘client’ is a way of making the interface easier.

For example with the R traits package, the function betydb_search("Miscanthus Yield") returns the table as an R dataframe. Otherwise, it would be necessary to determine the corresponding URL, download the csv, and then import it into R.

We can also either directly connect to the database and use SQL or connect to it with an R client.

Some different ways of connecting to BETYdb:

connection type language package
SQL/ODBC R / dplyr dplyr
API R traits

We will run through these different connections below.

Why use an API? * it is more secure * it can abstract the database structure into a more familiar / human-friendly format

Why use SQL connection

  • faster
  • more access to all tables / joins in database
  • can handle larger datasets and subset / summarize / filter before bringing into memory.

To connect to a database server you need the following connection parameters:

  • host
  • login
  • user
  • database (database name)

Lets connect to the terraref instance of betydb. Until now we have been accessing betydb.org. Now we will access (a copy of) the database behind terraref.ncsa.illinois.edu/bety

This connection is only available on the local *ncsa.illinois.edu network, and can be accessed through the NDS Labs workbench.

Host: terra-bety.default
Port: 5432
User: bety
Password: bety
DB: bety

Command line access

You can access the PostgreSQL command line in a terminal using the following command:

psql -U bety -d bety -h terra-bety.default

For security, you can hide your connection parameters in a hidden file called ~/.pgpass in your home directory that contains the following line:


It must have appropriate permissions, so after creating the above file run chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass.

Then you only need to type psql to log in

PostgreSQL Studio

There are many Graphical User Interface applications that make it easier to explore and manage databases. We will use PostgreSQL.

Open the PostgreSQL Studio application in the NDSLabs workbench and enter the connection parameters:

Host: bety6.ncsa.illinois.edu
Port: 5432
User: viewer
Password: DelchevskoOro
DB: bety

To connect in R and RMarkdown use:

## Loading required package: DBI
dbcon <- dbConnect(RPostgreSQL::PostgreSQL(),
                   dbname = "bety", 
                   password = 'DelchevskoOro', 
                   host = 'bety6.ncsa.illinois.edu', 
                   user = 'viewer', 
                   port = 5432)

Tables & Schemas

This is an entity-relationship diagram:

A simplified entity–relationship diagram for key tables in Biofuel Ecophysiological Traits and Yields database (BETYdb).

A simplified entity–relationship diagram for key tables in Biofuel Ecophysiological Traits and Yields database (BETYdb).

Here is a more comprehensive entity-relationship diagram:

BETYdb Schema ER diagram

BETYdb Schema ER diagram


Here is a list of SQL Commands

Let’s start using some basic SQL Commands from the following list:



Filter with where

Select can be used to view from a table, the symbol * is a wildcard:

select * from traits limit 10;
select * from traits where mean < 0;
Table 1: 2 records
id site_id specie_id citation_id cultivar_id treatment_id date dateloc time timeloc mean n statname stat notes created_at updated_at variable_id user_id checked access_level entity_id method_id date_year date_month date_day time_hour time_minute
6001791881 6000003524 2588 6e+09 6e+09 6e+09 2016-11-28 06:00:00 5 NA 9 -0.79 NA NA 2017-07-22 23:48:01 2017-10-13 15:28:49 6e+09 6e+09 0 2 6000021326 6e+09 NA NA NA NA NA
6001791888 6000003524 2588 6e+09 6e+09 6e+09 2016-11-28 06:00:00 5 NA 9 -0.77 NA NA 2017-07-22 23:48:01 2017-10-13 15:28:49 6e+09 6e+09 0 2 6000021327 6e+09 NA NA NA NA NA

What distinct traits are available in the traits_and_yields_view table?

select distinct can also be used:

select distinct trait from traits_and_yields_view;
Table 2: Displaying records 1 - 10

We can also group what we view and organize them to summarize the number of records for each trait:

select sitename, count(*) as n
   from traits_and_yields_view
   group by sitename order by n desc;
Table 3: Displaying records 1 - 10
sitename n
Danforth Plant Science Center Bellweather Phenotyping Facility 5490
MAC Field Scanner Season 2 Range 25 Pass 4 271
MAC Field Scanner Season 2 Range 13 Pass 1 268
MAC Field Scanner Season 2 Range 3 Pass 3 268
MAC Field Scanner Season 2 Range 16 Pass 4 267
MAC Field Scanner Season 2 Range 20 Pass 6 261
MAC Field Scanner Season 2 Range 26 Pass 5 260
MAC Field Scanner Season 2 Range 32 Pass 6 259
MAC Field Scanner Season 2 Range 19 Pass 4 259
MAC Field Scanner Season 2 Range 40 Pass 7 257

Types of Joins

Joins are used to put together tables in different ways:

types of joins

types of joins

From Grolemund and Wickham “R for Data Science”

An example:

select name, units, date, mean from traits left join variables
   on traits.variable_id = variables.id
   where variables.name = 'NDVI'
Table 4: Displaying records 1 - 10
name units date mean
NDVI ratio 2016-09-08 07:00:00 0.4646
NDVI ratio 2016-09-16 07:00:00 0.6949
NDVI ratio 2016-10-25 07:00:00 0.7440
NDVI ratio 2016-10-01 07:00:00 0.7723
NDVI ratio 2016-09-08 07:00:00 0.4212
NDVI ratio 2016-09-16 07:00:00 0.6967
NDVI ratio 2016-10-25 07:00:00 0.7431
NDVI ratio 2016-10-01 07:00:00 0.7906
NDVI ratio 2016-08-08 07:00:00 0.1919
NDVI ratio 2016-09-16 07:00:00 0.6171

Write queries that will 1. join the sites table to the traits table 2. join the managements table to the traits table

Other handy features

Quality control

Lets look at this in the PostgreSQL studio

  • constraints
  • foreign key
  • primary key
  • uniqueness
  • check
  • data types
  • numeric, int,
  • character, enum
  • geometry
  • natural keys


With is handy for constructing larger queries. This function effectively creates a temporary table that can be queried.

With NDVI as
  (select name, units, date, mean from traits left join variables
     on traits.variable_id = variables.id
     where variables.name = 'NDVI'
  select * from NDVI;
Table 5: Displaying records 1 - 10
name units date mean
NDVI ratio 2016-09-08 07:00:00 0.4646
NDVI ratio 2016-09-16 07:00:00 0.6949
NDVI ratio 2016-10-25 07:00:00 0.7440
NDVI ratio 2016-10-01 07:00:00 0.7723
NDVI ratio 2016-09-08 07:00:00 0.4212
NDVI ratio 2016-09-16 07:00:00 0.6967
NDVI ratio 2016-10-25 07:00:00 0.7431
NDVI ratio 2016-10-01 07:00:00 0.7906
NDVI ratio 2016-08-08 07:00:00 0.1919
NDVI ratio 2016-09-16 07:00:00 0.6171


  • Views (stored queries)
  • Materialized views (pre-computed queries)

Views help to store common queries. They are based on existing tables, but may include joins with auxillary tables and / or summaries.

In BETYdb we use views to join metadata in sites, citations, treatments, variables, and other tables to the ‘primary’ tables named traits and yields. We have a view called ‘traits_and_yields_view’ that is used by the search API endpoint and search page in the Web interface.

drop view if exists NDVI;

create view NDVI as
select * from traits_and_yields_view_private
    where trait = 'NDVI';

select * from NDVI;

R: RPostgreSQL and dplyr

query <- "select * from traits left join variables
             on traits.variable_id = variables.id
             where variables.name = 'NDVI';"
#query <- "select count(*) from traits_and_yields_view_private"
#dbSendQuery(dbcon, 'select count(*) from traits;'))
result <- dbSendQuery(dbcon, query)
df <- fetch(result)
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE

Connecting with dplyr

Using the dplyr library has the advantage for larger datasets that one can do a lot of server-side summarization and some computing before pulling data into memory.

Here is an example of its use:

## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
bety_src <- src_postgres(dbname = "bety", 
                         password = 'DelchevskoOro', 
                         host = 'bety6.ncsa.illinois.edu', 
                         user = 'viewer', 
                         port = 5432)

treatments <- tbl(bety_src, 'treatments') %>%
  dplyr::select(treatment_id = id , name, definition, control)

managements_treatments <- tbl(bety_src, 'managements_treatments')

managements <- tbl(bety_src, 'managements') %>%
  filter(mgmttype %in% c('Fertilization_N', 'Planting', 'Irrigation')) %>%
  dplyr::select(management_id = id, date, mgmttype, level, units) %>%
  left_join(managements_treatments, by = 'management_id') %>%
  left_join(treatments, by = 'treatment_id')

planting <-managements %>%
  filter(mgmttype == "Planting") %>%
  dplyr::select(treatment_id, planting_date = date, nrate = level)

heights <- tbl(bety_src, 'traits_and_yields_view') %>%
  filter(trait %in% c('plant_height', 'canopy_height')) %>%
  left_join(planting, by = 'treatment_id') %>%  
  collect %>%
  mutate(age = as.Date(raw_date) - planting_date)

ggplot(data = heights, aes(raw_date, mean)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.1) +
  facet_wrap(~trait, scales = 'free')


The data at teraref can also be accessed via an API:

  • sign into terraref.ncsa.illinois.edu/bety
  • username: pi4-student
  • password: ask-instructor

  • locate your API key and copy it

  • see terraref tutorials 01- betydb getting started

  • API Documentation terraref.ncsa.illinois.edu/bety/api/beta/docs

json data structures

Another way of getting the data is via JSON.

R traits package

Example on querying indoor data from terraref database using the R traits package can be found at:


Real World Examples

Advanced: BETYdb

  • Full Schema betydb.org/schemas
  • How would you query all of the planting dates associated with a trait record?

Real World Application: the Biofuel Ecophysiological Traits and Yields database

We have created ‘views’ to make it easier to query data from multiple tables. For example, to lookup the name and location of a site or the names and units of variables. The following query joins multiple tables, and is based on the yieldsview table:

SELECT 'yields'::character(10) AS result_type,
    st_y(st_centroid(sites.geometry)) AS lat,
    st_x(st_centroid(sites.geometry)) AS lon,
    species.id AS species_id,
    citations.year AS citation_year,
    treatments.name AS treatment,
    date_part('month'::text, yields.date) AS month,
    date_part('year'::text, yields.date) AS year,
    variables.name AS trait,
    variables.description AS trait_description,
   FROM ((((((yields
     LEFT JOIN sites ON ((yields.site_id = sites.id)))
     LEFT JOIN species ON ((yields.specie_id = species.id)))
     LEFT JOIN citations ON ((yields.citation_id = citations.id)))
     LEFT JOIN treatments ON ((yields.treatment_id = treatments.id)))
     LEFT JOIN variables ON (((variables.name)::text = 'Ayield'::text)))
     LEFT JOIN users ON ((yields.user_id = users.id)));

For more information, see the BETYdb data access documentation

References and further reading