2017 PI4 Computational Bootcamp

This site includes material for the 2017 PI4 Computational Bootcamp taught to students in the Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign May 26 - June 9, 2017 in 239 Altgeld Hall.

The PI4 bootcamp is a two-week long course intended to prepare students for applied computational work and for summer internships as part of the NSF funded PI4 Program for Interdisciplinary and Industrial Internships at Illinois.

This year the focus shifted to the use and analysis of large and complex data. In previous years, courses focused more on numerical analysis. Materials from 2016, 2015, 2014 are available through these links.

Class Notes

The class notes provided here are for reference as well as reuse and improvement. The material was primarily presented in an interactive ‘live coding’ context based on the Software Carpentry pedagogical approach (Wilson 2016, Jordan et al 2017).

Class notes are provided as-is, and are not intendend to be self-contained and are in many places brief or incomplete. In many places code snippets that have not been fully developed to include all of the background material that was presented in class to explain the concepts. In addition, the ‘notes’ include new code that was written during the class and have not been revised. This material was new this year and will be developed in future years.

License and Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Computational Bootcamp materials are available for reuse by others. We ask that when materials are re-used, the following statement be included:

These materials were created by David LeBauer and Neal Davis at the University of Illinois, with support from National Science Foundation grant DMS 1345032 “MCTP: PI4: Program for Interdisciplinary and Industrial Internships at Illinois.”


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One way to reuse and improve this material is to fork it on GitHub. Then it is possible to push - or ask us to pull - back any improvements.


PI4 is an NSF-funded award from the Division of Mathematical Sciences, in the Mentoring Through Critical Transition Points program; award 1345032.